Make technology work for you

Web development and custom applications

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Your idea, our challenge

We have built a reputation over the years as a development partner that doesn't shy away from a challenge. Our penchant for the more challenging projects and a leap into the unknown is mainly due to a healthy interest in new technologies.

Realized projects range from developing custom applications, websites, management modules to unique mixed reality applications. These are just a few examples of what we love to do!

Your ideas are transformed by our team into a successful project. A healthy "out of the box" approach and combination of different areas of expertise ensures a guaranteed successful end result.

More than websites

The term "website" has long since ceased to be the digital business card of yesteryear. Classic web development goes hand in hand with innovative technology such as mixed reality, AR/VR, Internet of Things. The combination an all this creates modern applications with a strong online experience.

These applications have found their way into the business world and offer targeted solutions for the optimal presentation of your product or company, from interactive tours for difficult to access corporate sites to complementary training programs and interactive product presentations.

A full service approach allows us to deliver customized solutions that push the boundaries of reality.

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Cases in the spotlight

  • Hypepark Case slider thumb

    A one page Wordpress Website

    A website that stands out for the right reasons! The website for HYPE PARK is an excellent example that shows that a well-constructed one-page website can be enough to effectively convey all the necessary information to its target audience.

  • Kinamo case slider thumb

    20 jaar Kinamo, dat verdient een nieuwe website

    Een nieuwe website die meer leads en sales opbrengt, gebouwd met Craft CMS.

  • Siem mixedreal slider

    Mixed Reality showcase for Siemens Digital Industries Software

    A mixed reality application to introduce visitors to the capabilities of the Siemens Simcenter Amesim to create a "digital twin" for simulation and optimization of battery development.

  • Alfaport case slider

    A Wordpress website for Alfaport Voka

    A website where companies and stakeholders can find information about Alfaport Voka, their 'port themes' to which they are dedicated , their networking event and important port-related news.

  • Siemens Tour Masonry 16 9 hor

    Siemens Simcenter Engineering

    Visit the Siemens site in Leuven virtually. Discover the interactive 360° virtual tour of Siemens Simcenter Performance Engineering. Discover how we use high-resolution 360° photography, VR and web technology for an immersive visitor experience.

  • CCI slider thumb

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerp

    Website as a signboard for the Antwerp region as a strong trade and industry partner. An assignment from Voka Antwerpen/Waasland with the aim of highlighting the region and organization.

  • Siemens vemtour slider thumb

    Vehicle Energy Management facility tour for Siemens Digital Industries

    Discover the Siemens Digital Industries Vehicle Energy Management (VEM) facility in Lyon, France thanks to an interactive 360° factory tour. A combination of high-resolution 360° photography, VR and web technology.

  • Flandersimage slider thumb

    Digital information and streaming platform for Flemish Audiovisual Fund

    Kinamo developed a digital information and streaming platform to support Flemish film productions, series, animated films, documentaries and short films.

  • Transparent

    Kinamo Development Services

    Discover more projects and realizations!


    Development for us is all about delivering high-quality, customized interactive solutions regardless of the end platform.
    The combination of our expertise in different fields creates an intuitive user experience that keeps a visitor captivated and engaged.

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    Craft CMS

    Our preferred Content Management System is without a doubt Craft CMS. The excellent framework offers far-reaching possibilities for customized programming without having to sacrifice functionality for the end user. As an added bonus, there is Craft Commerce, a full-fledged, e-commerce solution that seamlessly integrates with the existing CMS.

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    Mixed Reality

    Mixed reality, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) ... It's no longer science fiction, thanks in part to more accessible, affordable and high-performance hardware.
    Kinamo has healthy hands-on experience in this ever-evolving and important field!

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    API development

    A RESTful API is a must in today's web landscape. Let us advise you on how to make the most of your in-house data through a proprietary API and start offering it optionally in a paid service model.

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    For smaller Web sites, Wordpress remains a popular content management system. The many plug-ins and themes available make it a rewarding solution for building a beautiful, easy-to-manage website in a relatively simple way.

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    Design & UX

    Design, UX and front-end development is the foundation of any application. For a classic website, responsive design is an absolute must: the site must work seamlessly on all devices.
    For mixed reality and AR/VR applications, we go a step further: a thoughtful relationship between UX and UI determines the degree of interactivity and the final end effect on the user.

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    The "API driven economy" is undeniable. Our extensive experience in linking existing systems and integrating mail platforms, CRM, asset management systems and others ensures optimal use and efficiency of your data sources and resources, across your applications.

    What can we do for you?

    Are you interested in our approach and curious about what we mean by "a challenging project"?


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