Development projects in the spotlight

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Published on 28 Nov 2023.

As we do every year at the start of a new year, we present an overview of the highlights of the past year. One of the highlights of this overview is our development plans for 2021 and beyond.

As in 2020, this year, in terms of development for Kinamo, has once again been very exciting. In this article, these gems from the 2021 code are highlighted.

Unfortunately, we can't always communicate about the projects we're working on at Kinamo. Technically, we've been working on some very interesting things, but for reasons of confidentiality and NDA, we can't always communicate about them.

What we can communicate is the following:
In 2021, a large part of the development time was devoted to the further development of existing projects/customers:

For example, for VAF, we extended or renewed their platforms, including a new edition of Re>Connext.

Bike-Design's online store and the websites of Octopus, Axis and the Antwerp America Foundation among others received a number of new features and optimizations.

Of course, we also had the opportunity to create many new things:

  • We created a new website for Voka Antwerpen Waasland. Together with the Antwerp Waasland Chamber of Commerce and Industry website, they want to present their services and the assets of our region to an international audience.
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  • For another customer, we also developed an e-learning platform based on Wordpress and Learndash.
  • For Siemens Digital Industries, over the past few months we have created online experiences that allow visitors to virtually explore Simcenter Engineering's facilities, using photos and 360° guides.
    Thanks to the platform, visitors can take a virtual tour and discover additional information in each room in the form of text, images and videos.
    Kinamo not only developed the application platform, but also took care of shooting the 360° photos, 2D photos and videos for the application. Of course, we also take care of hosting these projects.
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  • A virtual tour using professional 360° photography is very captivating and impactful. As an extension, we also provided a virtual reality version where visitors could tour our client's facilities using Oculus Quest 2 goggles or a Google Cardboard.
  • And many more projects 😊 ...

On track for next year

Many exciting projects are already planned for 2022 too. We can't wait to share them with the world.
In the meantime, today we're sharing Kinamo's other highlights for 2021.


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