What is an email forward / forward address ?

Category: Email


You can set 1 "forward" address per e-mail address.

These e-mail addresses always refer to other existing e-mail addresses.

In other words, a forward address is an extra e-mail address from which the e-mail is delivered to an e-mail address of your choice.

An example:

Rik also wants the e-mail address rik@mycompany.be, but does not want to create or use a new mailbox other than the e-mail address he is using now (eg rik@gmail.com).

That is why Rik has set up a forward address: rik@mijnbedrijf.be forwards mail to rik@gmail.com.

For example, Rik automatically receives e-mails sent to rik@mycompany.be in the mailbox rik@gmail.com.

Those who have e-mail addresses with their Kinamo hosting automatically have an unlimited number of e-mail forward addresses that can be set.

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