Wordpress keeps asking for FTP credentials during automatic update

Last updated on 06 Sept 2023, 13:13:54.
Category: All about web hosting | Webhosting settings

PHP Wordpress

Sometimes it may be that Wordpress continues to ask the FTP details of your website hosting Kinamo during an automatic update.

This usually has to do with modified permissions on Wordpress folders in your hosting plan. This often has to do with Wordpress that can not directly write to the /wp-content directory. You can "force" Wordpress not to try the update via FTP.

You can choose to enter the credentials, and Wordpress will remember this in the FTP details, but we still recommend to update Wordpress in a different way on the Kinamo hosting platform. You can also adjust the rights to the /wp-content folder via FTP client and change the permissions to 775 instead of the standard 755 and 644 rights.

The easier way: update determining method in the wp-config file

The most simple method however is to modify the wp-config.php file and define the update method using a constant variable called FS_METHOD.

Open the wp-config.php file in the root folder on your Wordpress Hosting and write down the following code:

define ( 'FS_METHOD', 'direct');

Save the file, upload, and try the update again!

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