What is a domain name?

Last updated on 28 Sep 2023, 10:31:48.
Category: All about domain names

registratie domain names

The Internet connects desktop computers, portables, servers and other hardware by using unique numbers. These 'IP' addresses make sure your data go from point 'A' to 'B' and arrive at the correct destination by 'routing'.
The popular search engine Google cen be reached at IP address is hard to remember, hence the usage of the domain name 'google.be'.

Your website is also available by using an IP address. This is not really convenient and user friendly. That's why 'Domain Name Servers' (DNS) were introduced. These DNS servers connect names to IP addresses. This name is better known as a 'domain name'.
As a company, consumer or organisation you may 'register' a domain name. You rent the usage of the domain name for a period of one year.

Does this mean you 'own' the domain name? No, domain names are freely available to everyone and can only be addressed to a specific person or company if this is provable by the International Trademark database and the necessary legal steps.

A domain name consists of two parts: the name (e.g. Kinamo) and the top level domain (TLD), in our case '.net'.
There are dozens of extensions: .fr, .nl, .com, etc.
If you register your domain name you may get the warning that the domain name is already in use. A domain name is unique!

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