What characters may I use when registering a domain name?

Category: All about domain names


Please note the following rules when registering your domain name:

Permitted characters

A domain name may consist of the following characters:

  • Alphabetic characters: from a to z, in lowercase letters
  • Numeric characters: from 0 to 9
  • Hyphens (except on 3rd and 4th position)

Domain names with the following extensions may contain special characters:

  • Domain name .be: ßàáâãóôþüúðæåïçèõöÿýòäœêëìíøùîûñé

Start and end

A domain must begin and end with an alphanumeric character. So no hyphen at the beginning or end.


The minimum length for a domain name is 3 characters.
The maximum length for a domain name is 63 characters.

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