MySQL - automatic backup of a database

Last updated on 06 Sept 2023, 13:18:29.
Category: Cloud servers

backup Cron Linux MariaDB MySQL

Mysql automatic backup script


Kinamo Virtual Server (VPS) and Kinamo Cloud Server customers can use a simple shell script to dump the contents of MySQL or MariaDB databases to a chronologically ordered map.

Isn't my database backed up already?

The advantage of such an easy backup is the ease of data protection in case of a database crash and the flexibility to quickly restore an entire database, without having to ask a file level based restore by Kinamo support. Another advantage is the ease of restoring InnoDB databases in case of a system crash.
Working with a MySQL or MariaDB database dump makes a restore easier, since working with IDB files can quickly become a problem when trying to do a restore.

Kinamo offers the following script, we advise you to put the script in /usr/sbin/local.
In order not to over-complexify this post we have named it

Step 1: Copy the script


# Basic configuration: datestamp e.g. YYYYMMDD

DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d")

# Location of your backups (create the directory first!)


# MySQL login details


# MySQL executable locations (no need to change this)


# MySQL databases you wish to skip


# Number of days to keep the directories (older than X days will be removed)


# ---- DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------------
# Create a new directory into backup directory location for this date

mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR/$DATE

# Retrieve a list of all databases


# Dumb the databases in seperate names and gzip the .sql file

for db in $databases; do
echo $db
$MYSQLDUMP --force --opt --user=$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD --skip-lock-tables --events --databases $db | gzip > "$BACKUP_DIR/$DATE/$db.sql.gz"

# Remove files older than X days

find $BACKUP_DIR/* -mtime +$RETENTION -delete

Copy the entire contents of the block above to a script names and put it in the folder /usr/local/sbin/.

Change the constant variables as you wish (for example, your password) and make sure the folder /backup/mysql exists.

Step 2: Modify the script's rights

Give the script execution rights

chmod 755

Step 3: Create a cron job

Next thing is to set up a simple cronjob to schedule a backup every night at 1 am:

vi /etc/crontab

0 1 * * * root /usr/local/sbin/

Restart the cron daemon

Save the crontab and restart the cron service with one of the following commands, depending on your Linux distro:

service cron restart
service crond restart

Every night, the script will add a backup of all your databases in the folder /backup/mysql/YYYYMMDD/<yourdatabase dump>

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